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Updated: Jan 6, 2019

Today on January 5th, 2019 I am going to be very vulnerable with you all. As you know (or may not) I have been rising above the after effects of a divorce. The effects were harsh... In relieving to you all and admitting I had been in a domestic violent relationship I knew I was carrying some sort of torch. I admit this and reveal it because, it want to help others that find themselves in the same place.

I started a few months ago, and then created '#FiercelyFreeforum, as a venue to help women, who have lost their fiercness in the world, their femine passion, essence, and thier mindset around wealth and abundance. I wanted a FREE safe place for women of all walks of life & experiences to come & be supported in a non judgmental space.

Six months ago, I looked in the mirror at myself and said "who is she? I do not know her? I had lost my #fit, #fierce, and #bold self, both inner and outer she was missing. I realized in that instant I loved and missed her dearly. I committed to her that I would find her day by day.

How many of you can relate to my story in one way or another? I have kept my promise, now down 25 lbs, starting women2Wealth, finding my health, sharing my journey, and looking back in the mirror at the fit, fierce, bold women I am.

I want each of you to know you can also be that fit, fierce, & bold woman in the world at ANY age! Just make the commitment with me, today to join my fit, fierce, & five January Challenge.

Let Go:

5 Constraints holding you back from your best bold self.

5 Old Beliefs no longer serving you.

That's it! Simple, I will guide you along the way, with lifestyle change advise, food hacks, exercise hacks! Daily I will check-in with you on my blog and share out to facebook. I am here for you!

Today, write on a piece of paper;

I (name), commit to the Fit, Fierce, & Five Challenge, I love you self, and make a #commitment to be the best me I can be in 2019, mind, body, & soul.

Love, (name)


#FitFierceFiveChallenge, #commitment, #women2wealth, #livefiereclybold, #beYOU

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